Monday, January 26, 2015

1/26: A "Clipper" returns with Snow Chances

TONIGHT appears to be another unsettled evening Precipitation wise as Cooler Air is already ushering in with Temperatures as of 5:00PM in Nashville at 36°   Another Clipper will drop through with Light Snowfall with very minor accumulations through Saturday Morning.  The latest HRRR depicts upto a Dusting to 1/2" across MiddleTN and SoKY.  May be a "heavier" band but upto and Inch can't rule out in the Plateau by daybreak tomorrow.

TUESDAY AFTERNOON through WEDNESDAY looks rather Calm and Dry with Temperatures staying in the Middle 40°s as of right now with the latest data and my Forecast.


THURSDAY  will be our next Rain Chance as Frontal Passage moves in.  Not a big rain chance, but enough to throw one in :)

   This storm has been hyped up for a couple weeks already..1st as a Severe Weather event in mid-January now to a SNOW Storm for the Ohio/TN Valleys.  I am still NOT buying into it yet, However.. one Model (Canadian) is blasting about 6-12" in Central/Southern KY and a few Inches in Middle TN.  Its a "classic storm/Low track" as a Low rides to our South in Dixie and feeds Moisture in the area with Dynamic Cooling.
-- Remember, this is NOT A Forecast, and being 120 hour out..Two other models (GFS & Euro) is less aggressive.  I do think IF there is a Snow chance, it could be in Central/Southern KY right now. 

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